Saturday, 10 March 2007

10 Ways to a Killer Blog

I stumbled upon this interesting Slideshare presentation today by user yizmo. It is actually 15 ways to a "killer blog" not 10!!
It was used at a business seminar/conference in 2006 apparently. Has great cartoons and some important points to note about blogging.
This one, however, struck me....

It is true that edublogging requires a bit of the old passion and authority.

Passion to maintain your blog even when the going gets tough and stressful at work.
Authority to make your views known to the world and to make controversial points at times.

You can view the rest of the slideshow below. Enjoy :)

UPDATE: Cartoons used in the above Slideshow are from Gaping Void (thanks Graham for that link). There are some really witty ones if you wade through the crude and odd ones :)
The other Blogging cartoons that I LOVE come from We Blog Cartoons.


  1. Apologies if you already know this but the cartoons in the slideshow come from Hugh McLeod, English blogger/entrepeneur and his blog Gaping Void. If you can laugh at the occasional crudities, his cartoons on the back of postcards usually have razor sharp wit - try this one for starters.

  2. Hi Graham!

    Yes, I love those cartoons and have seen the series that he makes. I think you can overlook the crude cartoons due to the large amount of truly witty ones!!
    The great thing is that these days most cartoonists are putting their web address into the pic so that everyone knows where it comes from.
    My other favourite weblog cartoon site is We Blog Cartoons

    Regards, Rachel


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